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Should chareidim be forced to go to the army?

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Was thinking it would be a good topic of discussion.

Assifah today in New York.


--- Quote from: yoshi on March 09, 2014, 03:58:11 PM ---Was thinking it would be a good topic of discussion.

--- End quote ---
Maybe we should rephrase the question: "Should yeshiva bochurim in Israel be pulled out of the beis medrash where they learn all day and be forcefully inducted into the army?"
What do you think??
Forgive me for being blunt but I can't see how anyone, with a chareidi torahdig upbringing, can justify what the Israeli government is trying to do.

Well if your not really in yeshiva and DDFing all day then yes go to the army, I heard the army is allot of fun plus you'll learn allot about life, my undestanding there are allot of BSers in Israel who avoid the army.

If they were to get all chareidim in the army the obvious next step would be the chareidi girls that would definitely be against halacha so let's be one step ahead.


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