Author Topic: Help Build Inwood Mikvah In Dedication To Rebbetzin Sara Leah Brazil A"H  (Read 931 times)

Offline Mikvahsaralaya

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The rebirth of the Jewish Inwood community began almost 10 years ago, led by a handful of pioneering families.  Today, there are more than 100 frum families, with new families moving in almost every week.
The community and kehilla are constantly growing and striving and Inwood has become a place where young families can raise their families in a most ideal environment.
With the growth of the community comes many needs and although part of the greater Far Rockaway and Five Towns a local Mikvah has become a necessity. With the help of its dedicated members, that need is almost a reality.
A property has been purchased, plans are approved and the building is ready to commence. Three quarters of the funds needed to complete the project have already been donated and we are turning to you to help us close the gap and take a part in the great Z'chus of Taharas Hamishpacha.
The Mikvah has been dedicated in memory of Rebbetzin Sara Laya Brazil A’H, one of the matriarchs of the Far Rockaway and Five Towns Communities, a woman who was known for her humbleness and purity.
There is no amount too small and any donation you can make will be a Chizuk to extended Brazil Family, the entire Inwood community and most of all to the Ribbono Shel Olam. Grab on to this opportunity before Rosh Hashana and may it be a Z'chus for you and your family. Please use the link below to donate and please forward to anyone who may want to be a part of this great Mitzvah.
checks can be mailed to
Mikvah Sara Laya
312 Sprague Rd
Inwood N.Y. 11096
Tizku L'mitzvos