Author Topic: Line of credit incrase denied, open new credit card?  (Read 1051 times)

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Line of credit incrase denied, open new credit card?
« on: July 22, 2011, 06:48:00 PM »
so frustrating.
i a few thousand dollars extra for my starwood business line of credit increase. amex wont let me have it because i apparently have too much spending on my credit card. (never late, always pay in full). could be that i am an added cardholder on my parents’ primary account as well (for emergencies) and they see a lot of monthly revolving spending.

ive tried calling several times but they wont increase it. i double checked my credit report, and its good.

either way, any recommendation to increase line of credit?

if not, i will need to get another card with more creidt. i guess i can make another amex business spg on my wifes name and the business name (who is also working for the business) and then add my name. but what guarantee do i have that my line of credit will be something significant? if its only a couple thousand ill be stuck with another credit card i cant us. or do they tell you what spending you would be allowed and then you can accept/reject ?

any help is appreciated