I deleted a post that I made quickly trying to be cute, but upon reading the thread further I saw that a bunch of people made similar comments. That might be it.
FWIU I don't believe anyone is as extreme about this as Lubavitch.Here are a links that has some pertinent quotes: http://chabadpedia.co.il/images/1/1b/%D7%97%D7%99%D7%A0%D7%95%D7%9A_%D7%A2%D7%9C_%D7%98%D7%94%D7%A8%D7%AA_%D7%94%D7%A7%D7%95%D7%93%D7%A9.pdfAnd OTOH, here's a link from a Chabad Yeshiva that does include general studies: http://mesivtamonsey.org/general-studies/
FTR, R Meir Stern tells those who ask him to go through Tur/Bais Yosef after each sugyo
Interesting. I also think that bochurim will feel better about their learning if they can come out with the basic halacha after all the chakiros and svaras. Even if someone who could not follow the whole sugya and the raid, should be able to come out with a clarity in who says what in the rishonim and to know the halacha is in summary. This is also where I think having tests in yeshivas can also be very beneficial, even in iyun.
1. I know that he says this because he said it to me.2. I would FTFY to "Even if someone who follows the whole sugya and the raid, should be able to come out with a clarity...." (not to say that they don't but rather that it becomes more difficult to keep track of the basic shitos once you go through all the raid and it is for that reason that he says to go back to the tur BY to put it all back together again.)
the reid leads up to it?
Just to be a troll, who says thatIf you ask me, most of what people term "reid", has absolutely nothing to do with how the Rishonim learnt the sugya.
A yeshiva's purpose is teaching torah and avoda, not all life skills. If parents want, they can teach financial literacy themselves or hire someone.
Thank you.Now So why do they teach earth science or history or advanced math...?
A yeshiva's purpose is teaching torah and avoda, not all life skills.
It's as if you'd rather everyone remain ignoramuses their whole lives.
Me personally no. Also most things that were previously suggested to be taught I honestly think they are basically common sense or it will take a minute to read about what something is. I don't think it qualifies to be labeled as an ignoramus.
Common sense or not, are they things that most young people have enough of an understanding of?
I would say yes. Show me the data otherwise
Says who?