Say what??
Is that even a coherent sentence?
You do realize how conceited and stuck up this sounds right?
I'm not a fan of bashing
@churnbabychurn, he's entitled to his opinion.
But really, there was no need for this comment.
Since it sounded incoherent to you, a short explanation is due.
When there is a conflict between 2 value systems or values, and one has to choose between them, like Torah and science for example.
Chabad chassidus teaches that it's a conflict between reality and a mere perceived reality, and reality obviously wins.
And to spell it out a little clearer, Torah is the reality, and science (or thinking one needs college for his parnassa) is just a perceived reality.
On a practical daily level, this conflict happens all the time. Teffila bezibbur or being on time to work. Chassidus teaches that Torah and mitzvos are not just a priority, they are the only reality.