I think financial literacy and math/science are two very different things. My kids yeshiva's have a full math and science curriculum, but I believe that only their high school offers a financial literacy class, and that itself is an elective, that very few students take, and something that I wish that they would put more emphasis on.
Putting aside my feelings about secular subjects in Yeshivas for a moment - financial literacy isn't in the same boat. Regardless if your work remains in the bais medrash, or ultimately elsewhere, you still need to know understand things like budgeting, insurance, mortgages, etc.
While a poster above suggested that some people were teaching this as part of Chosson/Kalah classes - which is a noble goal, I think it needs to be taught sooner. So that when a young couple starts out, they understand how to set themselves up for success (especially if mom and dad aren't supporting them).