And you don’t feel that practical modern day personal finance is comprehensively covered?
No. By the time someone would have a good enough understanding of halacha and Torah to be able to apply that to the modern day fiscal world, he would be past the point where he would have needed the information. Especially with the way yeshivos are now where most of the learning is abstract, and most of the emphasis is not on halacha, it's hard to take the concepts that you learn and apply them to your everyday life. I'm not saying we shouldn't be better in how we teach Torah and halacha, I'm saying that it's our responsibility to set kids up to succeed in the modern world. We need to give kids a solid foundation in emuna, Torah, halacha, etc, and also teach them how to succeed in the modern financial world. I don't understand why people have such a strong aversion to the idea of teaching a fiscal responsibility course. Is it because it will take away time from limud Torah? You think Hashem would rather the kid learn during that short amount of time but then put his whole family into debt for years because he doesn't understand how anything works?
Besides, even if you're right that everything can be gained from proper limud Torah, clearly the way our system is right now, we're not doing it correctly. What would be easier, setting up financial literacy courses in schools or completely overhauling our entire way of limud Torah? It's as if you'd all rather have kids continue to grow up financially clueless than have teach them anything about the world that doesn't come from a mishna. We have a problem in our community, the amount of linud torah being done today isn't it, it's our inability to mesh torah judiasm with the modern world in the correct way.