Problem is I don't want to go anywhere, really. I'm a couch potato. But really the problem is I might have to go somewhere else due to rising rent.The definition of bucket list doesn't seem to be trips, though the USAGE certainly is. So sorry if this offends you guys. These are all on my front burner, though (if I haven't gotten through them), but in no particular order.1. Write a sefer that helps people grow2. Write another one - This is much closer to completion - sefer is on Rabbi Berkovits's desk and he's going through it3. Compose a heartzige song and get it to a mainstream artist 4. Finish shas5. Get the standard set of semichas: Shabbos, Niddah, IVH + bonus berachos6. Get my kids married with actual apartments7. Launch a website with an index of laptops under $500, filterable by upgradeability, battery life based on an actual reviewer, real weight, build material/quality, etc...8. Make aliyah (RYB said to do it)9. Get enough people to watch the neighborhood security cameras so that I only need to do it five times a year10. Okay, this needs the lottery, but: take my family to see my grandmother in San Marcos, CA so she can get some nachas. (Estimated current cost: $7000 not including travel expenses.)
Echo chambers are boring and don't contribute much to deeper thinking and understanding!