With is the schedule for the day?
Friend of mine looking for 3 tickets to metlife siyum...pm if u have or know.
Need your LG Exalt fixed? Cracked in half? Water damage? Or parts to repair yourself. 347.201.2501
?! Link?
Are the $1800 seats facing the speaker, or sitting behind the speakers?
I saw somewhere that some speeches will be facing one direction while others will face the other direction.
most speeches will be in English?if not will there be free headphones for translations?
When I went to MSG in 1997 and 2005 there were headphones for purchase. I don't believe there was an option at MetLife 2012 and I am certain they wont be free.
Are people actually finishing in time for the siyum, ie speeding through the last 2 blatt to be done and then just waiting until Sunday to start brachos? Personally I'm behind but just curious.