I have two parking codes available please post if used TGykW5THE LINK TO ORDER YOUR PRE-PAID PARKING PASS(ES) IS: https://www1.ticketmaster.com/event/00005768BBE67236?did=siyumvipparkingSiyum HaShas Pre-Paid ParkingThe following PASSWORD(S) must be entered in order to purchase your passes. A single password entitles you to purchase up to 3 parking passes. If you have ordered more than 9 seats, you are receiving 1 password for each 9 seats ordered.HERE IS/ARE YOUR PASSWORD(S): PASSWORDS ARE CASE-SENSITIVE.TGykW5Due to the limited number of spaces available reserved lots, we respectfully, request that you not share your password with others.Please note that once you purchase your passes, they are not returnable and non-refundable. In addition, you must print out the physical pass that will appear on the screen after your purchase, as the Stadium will not allow entry even if you have your pass on any mobile device. A PHYSICAL PARKING PASS IS REQUIRED.We are honored that you have chosen to support the Siyum HaShas with your seat purchase, and we are pleased to offer this amenity in order to enhance your experience on the day of The Siyum. We look forward to your participation in this monumental event l’kovod haTorah.
There's no modern orthodox Rabbi's speaking either. It's Agudah's show - they get to run it.
Isn't RHS speaking?
Charging more for parking at the siyum Hashas than for a regular event is not right.
Can someone make a list who they would have as speakers if they would be in chargeIts impossible to have it perfect but I do think agudah did close to perfect
This has n/t to do with Agudah, and is completely handled/charged by Metlife. If you feel it's not right, you can go via public trans
Nice idea not practical as i am going with 5 people. Why are you saying that it is not the agudah that is charging and making extr profit. They write clearly if you want to park in American Dream Mall they are charging 40.00 and they are getting back 20.00 from them.
"I don't think there will be a bomb sniffing dog in New Jersey that won't be in the stadium," Golding added.
What will food prices be like at metlife ?
Impo$$ible to $ay...
Which is the best card to use ?