The guy was singing Ani maamim right after the tribute to the kedoshim and the guys in bleachers behind him or waiving like showing up on a sports screen.
Yeah I'm a little sensitive.. I get it, it's a big simcha
Why are you always so concerned with what other people are doing? Why does everyone have to get the same meaning out of something that you did? Why ruin such a beautiful and moving experience for yourself worrying about other people? I didn't even watch the screen most of that performance, I had my eyes closed thinking about what it meant to have almost 100k frum Jews of all stripes gathered to celebrate the continuity of Torah and Torah Judaism just 75 years after Hitler tried to wipe all of that out. The video tribute and following songs were one of the most moving things I've been a part of in my life. It's not often you get to really feel what it means to be a part of something as truly great and awesome as klal Yisroel and I wouldn't trade that experience for anything. Honestly I find it sad that whatever meaning you got out of this was overshadowed by what other people were doing. I hope that by the next siyum you are as taken in by the beauty of what we've accomplished as a nation as I was that you won't even notice what someone else is doing or not doing.