I thihk the siyum and dancing were amazing and really beautiful. For those who have been following my posts here, you'll know that I'm modern Orthodox. While I would have preferred certain things be more diverse (such as Rav Hershel Schechter speaking in person rather than only on a video clip), an acknowledgment of women beyond in relation to their husband's, etc, I thihk this siyum was far better executed than the one 7. 5 years ago (I was there, on the field). The siyum had highlights that spoke to everyone, and maybe in 7.5 years, the Agudah will focus more on the highlights (unity, dancing, Simchas HaTorah) and the next one will be even better.
I'm surprised to see critiques of the music and the crowd, because I think anyone there felt a mincha that you wouldn't beleive (silent 75% full stadium), ruach, and such Simcha.