I had club seats, and I'm not wealthy. I went along with a group, and those were the seats I got. One thing I want to say, I definitely would not have attended, had I not been invited and paid for by someone else. I am not the type of person who easily sits through long events, or listens to speeches. I don't appreciate it the way others do. Having the club really allowed me to take in the moments that I otherwise may not have, if I was sitting elsewhere. I davened mincha and maariv outside with everyone. I was at the dancing. I experienced one of the most moving Keil Maleys ever. I was able to be warm and comfortable, and focus on the speeches instead of getting burnt out from all of it, and loosing patience with it when it got rough. As someone who often doesn't take away much from speeches and events, I took away a lot from this event, and I don't think I would've gotten the same inspiration had I been trapped in a cold seat the whole time. I know this sounds kind of shallow to some, but this is me. Yes, the luxury aspect of it was nice, and the food was nice, but that wasn't the ikur. While I'm probably in the minority, just know, not everyone was in the clubs for hock. It was a huge help to inspire some who wouldn't have been otherwise.