Definitely is. Whether it's exclusive or not I couldn't say.
Is this a chabad thing to say? I don't recall ever seeing it hearing this before.@AsherO
IDK for chabad but the gist of it is used universally. Hashem only does good, but not always it appears to us as good, that's why we pray and for stress ותגמלנו חסדים טובים, that is visibly revealed as טובים.
IDK for chabad but the gist of it is used universally. Hashem only does good, but not always it appears to us as good, that's why we pray and stress for ותגמלנו חסדים טובים, that is visibly revealed as טובים.
Yeah I got the concept. My question was re. Chabad as I haven't heard it anywhere else.
טוב הנראה והנגלה
AP dead or Obi dead?
Compare with tanya explanation of hidden good from עלמא דאתכסיא
Is this a chabad thing to say? I don't recall ever seeing or hearing this before.@AsherO
Is it all Chabad that's makpid on ad di loyada, that everyday from rosh chodesh until Purim they are mikayim the mitzva?Especially challenging on a leap year...
Do we follow Beis Shammai or Beis Hillel?The Chachomim only made an executive decision regarding Chanukah. Purim is still up for debate, so for now we do both.Starting from Tu B’Shvat, every day until Purim you have an extra L’Chaim. Then every day after until Pesach, you have one less.
Asked a couple of friends. The informal numbers I’m hearing sound like for Lakewood run of the mil learning boy it would range from around $1500 at the lower end (with $1000 being an outlier) to $2500 or more ($3500 is not unheard of) with some even asking for a commitment of 150k-200k down payment on a house when the time comes. The length of support ranges from 3-7 years with some committing to longer or indefinite. Some provide a credit card for additional expenses as well.
שלא עשני ליטוואק
I guarantee you those are not litvaks.
I don't think people realize the extent to which the heimishe crowd has infiltrated (for lack of a better word) the litvishe yeshiva system
You have it all wrong. It is how the Yeshiva system influenced the heimeshe crowd. It started with the Zeirei.
You are correct. I really just meant that when people nowadays say "Lakewood" they are usually referring to this crowd which isn't the original Lakewood crowd, and brings with it other influences
But who were R Aharon's original followers in America?