What I do not understand about this eating in the sukah thing is that the way Iv'e seen this explained is that:
https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/4128852/jewish/Why-Stay-in-the-Sukkah-When-It-is-Raining.htmThe weather may be a little unpleasant, it may be a little squashy in there, and your palm allergy may be flaring up...but the inner serenity, the love and feeling of connection with those around you, the sense of being embraced by G‑d—all that should override any physical discomfort.
Yet people in this thread have complained that it is no fun etc. If they are in fact bothered, doesn't that negate the whole explanation of why they eat outside? Or more accurately why they would be "allowed" to eat outside? Or is the complaints just the physical aspects which are
truthfully outweighed by the sheer joy?
Isn't it a little difficult to employ this minhag as a one size fits all when it would seem to necessitate a pre existing spiritual level in order to be halachikly compliant?
Is this addressed anywhere? I would appreciate a link.