see lekutei sichos vol. 21, parshas beshalach 2nd sicha.
Not necessarily, fruits and vegetables are enough.There is, and if I would have been by a computer I probably wouldn't mind typing it up, but as mentioned, I'm pretty sure it's been discussed here already.
Found it:
Let's say that I don't mind being chabad in the winter.Btw, I never got a response to my application to become one year chabad.I don't have a SSN, is that it?
Minhag chabad is reallllllllly strict with eating and drinking in a sukkah.
You do know it's not churnable...
Are Chasidei Chabad makpid on chickens for Kapparos?Or is it a family thing?
Not sure what you mean by "makpid", if there are chickens and a shochet around then we try to use chickens.
I meant to ask if all of Chabad use chickens.
The singalong by ovinu malkeinu on a regular weekday mincha is a little awkward.
I don't think so.
Maybe it's because in Lakewood 98.4% of the minyan are not chabad...
if people know the tune its actually quite nice
Where I daven we sing the 13 middos every single time we say them 5 or six times during slichos. It is strange at first but you get used it and then you miss it when you don't have it.