The Brisker Rov used to sit with an umbrella (chol hamoed) [brought down in the green jacket succah sefer]
Who says they all need to be meshulash?But I also really have a problem finding meshulashim.I hate the bags, can't tell a thing. And the "kulo chazon ish* one are rarely any better
if they wouldnt be meshulash, there would probably not be a point
I try to. it's awesome, fresh air etc. Only problem is that the Spanish people on my block have roosters that wake me up at dawn!
Nice! Like the good old days!So you can actually make the brocho of hanosen lasechvi v(b)inah with really experiencing it!
and more with the next brocha
don't get it.i hope you are not referring to שלא עשני גוי. This a חב״ד thread! The next ברכה is פוקח עורים
Uh oh.
I removed the post, turned the page. Now remove yours!
lol sorry didn't know that
Someone mentioned to me that Chabad are very into celebrating each birthday. Can anyone elaborate on if that's true, and if so what it entails?
Very thorough article hereSee here.And here.And here."A couple Mekoros for celebrating a birthday.1.Mesechta Nazir 14. Tosafos Dibbur Hamaschil Amar C'Moshe.2.Medrash Tanchuma End of Parshas Pekudei3.Responsa of "Ginzei Yosef" Who brings down the Ba'al Yishrei Leiv4.Ben Ish Chai Cheleck Halachos Parshas Re'eh Siman Yud Zayin."Reb Moshe Feinstein zt"l would celebrate his birthday.
I did not read the articles, so I apologize if what I say is within them. But, obviously "celebrate" is a very subjective term. "Observe", perhaps, would be a better term. Fasting, or making a siyum, or going to see a gadol fir a brachah are all ways to observe one's birthday.
Reb Moshe Feinstein zt"l would celebrate his birthday.