not sure who the writer s but here is an analysis on celebrating a jewish birthday
Very thorough article hereSee here.And here.And here."A couple Mekoros for celebrating a birthday.1.Mesechta Nazir 14. Tosafos Dibbur Hamaschil Amar C'Moshe.2.Medrash Tanchuma End of Parshas Pekudei3.Responsa of "Ginzei Yosef" Who brings down the Ba'al Yishrei Leiv4.Ben Ish Chai Cheleck Halachos Parshas Re'eh Siman Yud Zayin."Reb Moshe Feinstein zt"l would celebrate his birthday.
A whole new set of minhagim will be needed....Chabad of Mars!!
Am I the only one who finds Photoshopping pictures of Gedolim like that too be nauseating?
My source was that I heard such a shmu'ah. But I just asked his elderly SIL (RMDT), and he said that he never heard of such a thing. He did say that on Reb Moshe's birthday the children and grandchildren would all call up to give and receive brochos. So I stand corrected.
There is a well known story which according to this may be a bubbe meise that a bais yaakov teacher was teaching the class that only goyim celebrate birthdays and she gave them the whole shpiel about paroh. One of the girls raised her hand and said but my zayde sends me a birthday card every year. The teacher said I am sure he means to do something nice, he just doesn't know better. The girl responded and said but my zayde is rav Moshe Feinstein.
I'd maybe believe this story if it was the first day of class, and even then it's hard to believe. The teacher didn't know she had R' Moshe's granddaughter in her class?
You forgot the main makor genesis 40:20-23
What nusach selichos does chabad do, poilin? A different one? Long/short?
We finished Selichos already. Besides for Tzom Gedalya when we cut off the beginning and end and stick it into the middle of Tachnun.
Shock of my life, as a litvak who davens in a Chabad minyan, the first year that I showed up for selichos on Tzom Gedalya.
wait till tomorrow. No selichos
what? Serious?
Yup. No more Slichos until Assarah B'teves.