? Do yourself a favor speak to a orthodox rabbi that you respect, if you dont have one then just follow the mishna berurah.
On the other hand you must have seen the relevant gemoros because you do appreciate how chomur it is...
Shulchan Aruch O"C, 89 - 4. הצמא והרעב הרי הם בכלל החולים, אם יש בו יכולת לכוין דעתו, יתפלל, ואם לאו אם רצה אל יתפלל עד שיאכל וישתה.
I feel that I fall into this category. As I said I can't muster up the guts - because I am not certain that I fit into it, and the M"B says it's not a chiyuv to eat, ayin sham.
I feel that your response to my comment was malei gaavah.