Here's amazon:Progress Lighting P3889-126 6-60-Watt Chandelier Sphere Foyer Lantern, 27.75" x 27.75" x 30" ($284.50)Here's lowes and like everything lowes it's very YMMV but I was able to get it: for the record:
Need your LG Exalt fixed? Cracked in half? Water damage? Or parts to repair yourself. 347.201.2501
What's with all these lighting deals?
I don't know but I'm loving it.. just haven't gotten what i want yet so i want some more...
Here's another good deal.
Good deal, sold for over $800 at other sites.
Surprisingly my order at lowes went through and I just picked it up and it's big, like really big. For some reason I thought is was small but the box is up to my waist.Now I got to figure out what to do with it...
Did you ever get a shipping confirmation ? My order still shows "in process", is that normal for store pick up?
In my pesach cleaning I cam across this which is still sitting un my garage 3 years later. Just for fun I decided to look it up now and it's $750!!! Covid? Inflation? Insanity!I've tried selling and giving it away a few times but so far everyone says that it's simply too big but I think I may have actually found a use for it finally I just have to see if it fits