Thanks, what are transfer costs?
Do they offer to have a mashgiach like some of the other places? Cost of that?
How do they supply kosher? Would they get packaged meat and keep it packaged and just grill it on a new grill in front of us? Are we better off just bringing premade meals and wrapping them? Would they heat them up for us?
400 rt . I don't think you understand the dynamics masa mara is literally no man's land the hotel sits in the park and there's animals all over the resort. You say that hotels have full time mashgiachs can you name me one non Jewish hotel let alone a resort that has that, the only reason why the hotel has a separate kitchen is a individual had it built for his party of 20 when he came he did leave behind all the stoves, microwave, smoothie machine, spices,knives,glass containers for food on the drives , ask your lor regarding what you can use, unless you plan on bringing a mashgiach your best bet is to bring food and either use the microwave or bring your burner into the kitchen and watch him make it which in itself is a amazing perk