To be perfectly honest, I think I would convert to being an Anti semite, observing the way some of us drive, but that's a completely different discussion...
This kinda talk infuriates me to no end. Yes, there are plenty of Jews who drive badly. Do you know which other groups have bad drivers? EVERY SINGLE ONE. It's NYC, There are hundreds of thousands of frum Jews, if there is a bad driver, there are great odds the driver will be frum. Do you know who else drives badly in Crown Heights? Black people. Like a lot, and very badly. But that doesn't excuse me screaming at someone for *being black* because I'm mad at their driving, and certainly not to punch them or beat them up.
When you see bad behavior by individuals - even lots of them - and ascribe that behavior to an entire race/religion, etc, yes, you're a racist.
I would suggest doing a cheshbon hanefesh on the way you drive if your getting yelled at a lot. (I dont, but the times that I have, Ill admit I was 100% in the wrong, and yes some anti semetic lines were used) like those bumper stickers say "I also drive making a kiddush hashem"
I've gotten cursed out for biking dangerously because I was ... crossing the street on a green light. I've been screamed at for "owning the street" for walking on the sidewalk. But go off