How about the I's or are they playing politics also?
Pelocy first response is, we weren't notified etc.
My point is this is mostly a political theater. I'm not disagreeing that ppl have concerns.
How did the US missile defense system fail so miserably?
I wonder about that too. It did nothing toward protecting the Saudi refinery either.
I wondered the same.
Does the US have Patriots on all their bases?
You are forgetting that Iran has been around for thousands of years....they are not as dumb as they appear....
I believe this is correct. All the talk about being suicidal is part of their game.
They haven't done any like that. ( Up until last night. )
I said moving the embassy would make peace harder. CORRECT!!!
I said the pulling out of the Iran deal would make things worse. CORRECT!!!
I said the risk of war was not worth killing this guy. CORRECT!!!
Now Trump is in a bind. He can respond and bring us closer to an all out war or do nothing and look like a coward. This has been the biggest military blunder in modern history.
...and lets not forget the main issue now. Is Americans safer now?
1. I'm not sure it's harder. Sure they despise Trump, but the main reason is that have gotten legitimacy from those opposing the move, that Trump isn't fair to the peace process. ( In my opinion it's exactly the opposite, he could've pushed Isreal to a place that no former president would be able to.
2. You mean that they now control Syria? Or fire rockets from Yemen? Or how about the Iraq?
Insane is someone who asks a stupid question like this?
What repercussions can Iran do to the USA?
Insane is someone that thinks this terrorist cause more American deaths than OBL.
Please change your nic to Anti-American.
Caused enough death, that it ain't matter if he matches up to OBL. While I don't want to say that he caused more pain that OBL (as killing American solder's is the worst thig) he caused a great amount of pain to American interests worldwide.
It is very sad how with rockets flying and planes "crashing" what you care about is whether the media looks like fools.
Your taking him out of context...
I'm still standing by this.
I guess if WW3 really does break out I'll have to add a big serving of crow to all my other problems 
The fact that ppl even say WWIII for this, is absurd, stupidity and a victory for Iran.