Seems this glitch or this clearance sale is over, as I happened to be in Target and none of the items rang up at the prices listed above.
Told you so😉
And it's not a glitch, it's clearance
That was why I posted above about my experience at Target on Monday Night when the "glitch" was fixed while I was in the store and the items which scanned at clearance price when I put them in my cart were scanning at full price when I got to the register.
BTW - for stores in Jewish areas, this is definitely a glitch and not a "clearance". Every year my AC takes delight in going to Target stores and buying the post holiday clearance items, such as winter themed ziploc storage containers, plates, cups, pre-cut Bounty sheets and the really nice tall Chanukah candles.
Those items are always on shelves which are marked clearance and they run from 50-90% off.
These items (grape juice, olive oil, matza ball mix etc) were not on clearance shelves - they were in the regular ethnic food/kosher aisles with no sticker or marking. The store manager explained to me that the reason why the "glitch" happened is that they programmed that stores which only carry these items at holiday time and not the rest of the year would be able to liquidate. So if you go out in Western Connecticut or Western New Jersey or far up in the Hudson Valley - those stores dont usually have kosher grocery items so they liquidated the stock added for Chanukah.
Meanwhile stores near Jewish areas - even if the populace is more Conservadox/traditional (as opposed to frum) where the stores always carry kosher product, were not meant to liquidate their stock of the food items because they always carry Kedem grape juice and Osem or Lipton soups.