Anywhere to say birchas ha'ilanos?
This was sent around:
Below is a list of fruit trees in the Passaic/Clifton kehila as of 2019. It wasn't updated last year with COVID restrictions. If there are any changes to this list, please let us know and we will update.
During the month of Nissan you have an opportunity to make a Bracha on fruit trees in bloom
The following Bracha is said only once a year, during the month of Nisan, on fruit trees in blossom.
ברוך אתה ד' אלוקינו מלך העולם שלא חסר בעולמו כלום וברא בו בריות טובות ואילנות טובים להנות בהם בני אדם
Transliterated: Boruch ata Hashem Elokeinu melech haolam shelo chisar ba'olamo klum, uvara vo beriyos tovos v'ilanos tovim lehanos bahem b'nei adam.
Translated: Blessed are You, L‑rd our G‑d, King of the universe, who has made nothing lacking in His world, and created in it goodly creatures and goodly trees to give mankind pleasure.
House# Street City Added instructions
73 Amsterdam Ave Passaic 73 Amsterdam Ave, Passaic By back porch
102 Aycrigg Ave Aycrigg Ave 102 Aycrigg Ave, Passaic
199 Aycrigg Ave Aycrigg Ave 199 Aycrigg Ave, Passaic 2 apple & 1 cherry tree back yard right by white fence
37 Barry Place Passaic 37 Barry Place, Passaic
13 Benson Ct Passaic 13 Benson Ct, Passaic Apple trees in front of Animal Control building.
216 Boulevard Passaic 216 Boulevard, Passaic Cherry tree
287 Brook Ave Passaic 287 Brook Ave, Passaic Pear tree next to the driveway (on Dakota)
360 Brook Ave Passaic 360 Brook Ave, Passaic Front yard (plum tree - only tree there)
40 Crescent Ave Passaic 40 Crescent Ave, Passaic
25 Dakota St Passaic 25 Dakota St, Passaic
150 Elmwood Passaic 150 Elmwood Ave, Passaic Between Brook and Pleasant (2 plum trees in front)
167 High St Passaic 167 High St, Passaic Cherry & pear trees and grape vine all in backyard
177 High St Passaic 177 High St, Passaic
201 High St Passaic 201 High St, Passaic Pear tree in backyard
23 High St Passaic 223 High St, Passaic The Grubins also have a Crabapple, apple & cherry trees-backyard. Cherry tree on side; crabapple by deck, and apple by shrubs backyard.
322 High St Passaic 322 High St, Passaic
104 Howard Passaic 104 Howard, Passaic Corner of Park. Complete with brochas on fence
37 Idaho St Passaic 32 Idaho St, Passaic Pear tree in backyard next to garage
49 Idaho St Passaic 49 Idaho St, Passaic Cherry tree
71 Kensington Terr Passaic 71 Kensington Terr Passaic 2 apple & 1 peachs tree front yard
105 Meade Ave Passaic 105 Meade Ave, Passaic
102 Palmer St Passaic 102 Palmer St, Passaic
248 Passaic Ave Passaic 248 Passaic Ave, Passaic Across from Barry Gardens (tree in front of house)
733 Passaic Ave Clifton 733 Passaic Ave, Clifton Apple tree near playground (Beth Shalom)
270 Pennington Ave Passaic 270 Pennington Ave, Passaic
137 Ridge Ave Passaic 137 Ridge Ave, Passaic Fruit Trees in back yard
408 South Parkway Clifton 408 South Parkway, Clifton Backyard between the shed and the swing set
57 Temple Place Passaic 57 Temple Place, Passaic Front yard
107 Virginia Ave Clifton 107 Virginia Ave, Clifton back yard via driveway, right facing the house