Is this the halacha we follow?
Q. What bracha should be said on egg matzah?
A. One might assume that just as the bracha on regular matzah is Hamotzi (according to Ashkenazic custom), so too one should recite Hamotzi on egg matzah. In reality, that is not so. In a previous Halacha Yomis we explained that Borei minei mezonos is recited on crackers because they are in the category of “pas haba’ah b’kisnin” (loosely translated as bread that one eats as a snack). Since crackers are typically eaten as a snack and not as the staple food, their bracha is Mezonos. Although matzah is thin and crisp like a cracker, the bracha on matzah is Hamotzi, since it is baked with the intention to be used as a replacement for bread. This is true for regular matzos. In contrast, egg matzah is not intended to be a bread substitute. Therefore , egg matzah has the same status as crackers, and the bracha is Mezonos. (See Har Tzvi OC 91)