Do they have R0 values?
If you want to stay home to ensure you never get into a car accident, that's your choice.
If you want to stay home to ensure you don't catch the coronavirus that's your choice.
Kinda makes one wonder, why are we only concerned about people dying from COVID-19 and not everything else? maybe we should just go into permanent lockdown and we can save so many lives every year...
uh oh
3 of my family members where tested positive on March 17. They were retested yesterday April 20. 2/3 came back positive.
At what point were they symptomatic? Asymptomatic? Why did they retest?
yes but it’s not your choice to not stay home when you might have it yourself and give it to others
just saw this- did it make it to master thread yet?
So the airlines will forgo seeking a loan/grant under CARES if this will end up costing them more. Instead they will still need a bailout and will get other money in a future bill that doesn’t have this provision. Same if they take the money and pass some of it on to consumers in the form of a cash refund, they’ll get another bailout if necessary.No biggie, MSM is already talking about future legislation of another $1trillion!! in the coming months. No biggie, the stock market is booming and the government is going to print itself into oblivion.
Are we there by default? Thoughts?
Every study that was done, shows that the fatality rate is not nearly what the experts had said.(and anyone with common sense and no agenda has been saying this for a while)