Free this week on the EGS: Epistory - Typing Chronicles.
(This interests me, but then, I (figuratively) dusted off a copy of
The Typing of The Dead sometime in the last 2 weeks.)
Some review snippets:
"Maybe the most enjoyable typing game ever, but it’s clichéd story elements hold it back."
"Epistory doesn't try to do too much, instead focusing on perfect execution of what it does. The world is gorgeously crafted around
you as the narrator lulls you into contentment, but the creeping insect enemies will keep you moving and actively entertained."
"The game gets lost in metonymy, the act of substituting a label for something of a real substance or meaning."
"While 'one of the most inventive typing games out there' is a summary in danger of being mistaken for faint praise,
Epistory’s wonderful, paper-craft design and smart, word-based battle system combine to make it exactly that."