Digital versions of board games on sale (expires about 4 days from time of posting):
(This requires the Steam game platform.)$1 (or more) gets all of the following:
Potion Explosion*
King & Assassins
Small World 2
Love Letter
$10.23 [or so] (or more) adds:
Splendor and 2 expansions(*)
Twilight Struggle
2 Small World expansions
2 Carcassonne expansions
$12 (or more) adds:
The "Lord of the Rings" Adventure Card Game
a Small World expansion
a Splendor expansion
2 Mysterium expansions
3 Carcassonne expansions
The ones with asterisks are ones I've personally played (physically, that is)
and would recommend (Splendor less highly than the others). Other notes:
You might not consider the art in Love Letter or Small World appropriate for your
household (and I haven't seen the LotR game's art). The same goes for the concept
of Mysterium, which is that one player is a ghost attempting to convey who murdered
them to the other players. Scythe, Twilight Struggle, and probably the LotR game
are far more complicated than the others.
If you find an in-game tutorial insufficient, you can probably find a video
explaining how to play on YouTube (the channel WatchItPlayed is good for this).