Sometimes I just don't get us.... I definitely hope and believe that the virus has subsided from my community, and I'd even be ready to take substantial risks of my own as given my antibodies I think I am not getting or giving the virus. And certainly I was thrilled beyond words to go back to Shul for davening and learning this Shavuos, and thankful to Hashem for the gift of it happening.
However, I am quite disappointed and considerably fearful about what seems to be a completely irresponsible overreach on the reopening. When dealing with a tzibbur and the exponential multiplication of risk of re-opening shuls etc. can anyone say with absolute certainty that they are ready to shoulder the responsibility for what might happen? Can anyone definitively say it is absolutely over?
Would it really have been that onerous even given what we believe about the virus waning, to have instituted reopening with some modicum of safety measures, first and foremost requiring everyone to wear a mask? I get that it's uncomfortable to daven in a mask, but even assuming the risk is minute would it not be prudent to go a long way towards ameliorating that by making everyone wear one?
And then the Shul (which just 2 days ago was talking about stringent social distancing and limiting the amount of people who could come, which of course never materialized in practice) goes and has a Neilas Hachag...... I know everyone wants to get back to normal as soon as possible, and maybe minyanim and Torah in Shul really are essential services, but is a Neilas Hachag and the inevitable Kiddush I fear is coming next week, really essential? Even if only to show some kind of acknowledgment to the tens of thousands of Yidden around the world who were unable to daven in Shul this Yomtov, basic sensitivity would be no Neilas Hachag in Shul. Sometimes I just don't get us.... SMH