Well, if cholent won't produce antibodies, at least it will help with social distancing...
Especially a vegetarian one!
garlic works too
Though להוציא מדעת הטועים, the garlic needs to be fresh. Just throwing garlic into the cholent will not produce sufficient distancing.
Nah. The only thing that will increase mask usage will be comfortable masks readily available everywhere.
Though there are plenty of communities with shuls that require masks.
Sign on the door of my shul to wear them. Not everyone does, although the shul supplies them and there are boxes of masks all over the shul
Our shul is holding minyan out of doors. We still require masks. We do have a few to provide, but the Rav/Gabbaim are very makpid.We're also makpid on social distancing as well.
Zip code?
Late to the party. I am in White Plains. When Cuomo issued his order two weeks ago, the 7 shuls in southern westchester agreed that each shul will decide when it feels ready to re-open. Originally three said yes, but one backed out after two days and decided to wait too additional weeks like the other four shuls.Our shul was one of the two that started - limiting minyan to 10 people. We have a signup. I'd love to cap it at the first 10 to apply, but can't do that for various reasons, including some chiyuvim who primarily daven at other shuls. The first couple of days, the Rav invited 10 people, since the signup started we unfortunately have had to turn people away. Were very makpid about our ten person limit, as well as social distancing and masks. General rules:- Everyone wears a mask at all times - even Bal tefila/bal koreh- Everyone needs to keep at least 8+ feet of distance from each other - Everone brings their own tallis/siddur/chumash (We have an eiruv for shabbos)- Aliyas are conactless. If you get an aliya, the Bal Koreh backs away from the Bimah, oleh approaches, but doesn't touch the torah, makes his bracha, goes back to his spot, and Bal Koreh returns. For the most part it has been going good. For Mincha/Ma'ariv, we often split into multiple minyanim. (Understand we are a small kehila, weekday minyanim before corona had an average of about 20 people)
Lakewood, Brooklyn, and Monsey
My chavrusa showed me this GRA on Rus which seems very apropos to this thread.On 1:18
Can one get an Aliyah without also reading alongside the Baal Koreh?!
Rav Shternbuch made a psak before pesach that you can, lo garah msumah.Others are not so keen on the idea and prefer that the baal koreh get all the aliyos
He seems to be a daas yochid about that.
You haven't seen what goes on in 770 on Simchas Torah (IINM based on a psak of R' Zalman Shimon Dworkin A"H and followed ever since), and I believe many (if not most or all) minyanim in Crown Heights do similarly.