Me. I can and do blame them. What the bleep does Cuomo have to do with the way you live your life? He’s not your Rav, he’s not your doctor. Why would you act recklessly because you’re angry at a non Jewish politician???
Just about every rov and doctor has said they're waiting on the government. You yourself have said the same. It's blatantly obvious that we need to open up *safely*.
Even communities that had a leadership consensus to close Shuls early say the same. Even those that say wait 2 weeks until after the government allows it still are waiting for the government to start that clock *now*.
What. Is. Your. Point? How is this a proper attitude towards life as a frum yid??
My point is abundantly clear. So long as the people in charge don't open up safely, people will open up on their own unsafely. It's as clear as day. It's a concept that goes back literally to the beginning of time with Adam and Chava.
Anyone who went to shul in NY with more than 10 people at a time was breaking the rules. Even if you were all masked in a 500 seat shul. The rules are idiotic, clearly not thought out, and with other non essential gatherings like sports being approved, it's going to be impossible to get anyone to buy into following guidelines.