just paid $10 to access this show, scheduled for 2:00. But I don't see any information as to where to see it. Anyone knows a web address for this show?
Never mind, they just emailed a link.
FWIW you can download 3 free children's story albums here:
Who is this? Never heard of him before...
My kids love these stories, we have probably listened for hundreds of hours in the last 2 months. He's a Rebbe from Toronto. Sounds like some of the stories are recorded in the classroom. It's mostly talking with a sprinkling of singing/guitar/piano.
FWIW you can download 3 free children's story albums here: listen to Rabbi Juravel on the parsha for free here:
Thanks. I'll try it on my kids and see what they think...
My kids love these! They are on their 5th or 6th run through the free albums, and I'm ready to pay for the other albums because it's starting to get to me...
Who do you think you are, banging a screw with a gibson guitar....
May not be the most professionally recorded, but great messages, and I came to love his musical interludes. I was crying when he was playing "run home, Shalom Ber".