Reader's Question:
What can we do to protect ourselves from the Corona epidemic?
Firstly, whenever a Tzarah (calamity) befalls Klal Yisroel and the world, it is important to remember that Hashem runs the world, and Hashem is the one that sent the Tzarah and He, and only He, has the power to protect you from it, and to make the Tzarah disappear. He is 10000% in charge of everything, always.
Yes, it is important to follow the directives of the medical experts and employ practices that they suggest, but do not forget that " Ani Hashem Rof'echa" - Hashem is the ultimate healer!
Yes, it is important to follow the directives of the Gedolei Yisroel, be it to say certain Tefilos, avoid Lashon Hara and Rechilus, and any other directives they tell us to follow.
Wash your hands for hygiene... but also keep in mind that keeping our hands clean and pure is a Mitzvah commanded by Hashem!
Practice safe and sanitary practices in and around public restrooms...but also keep in mind that reciting the bracha of Asher Yatzar with Kavanah is a tremendous zechus for Hashem to keep our body functioning miraculously as He designed it to!
Keep safe social distance from others...but also keep in mind to avoid unsafe social gossiping, stay away from non-kosher social mingling, take a step back from impure social media, and remember that remaining close to Hashem at all times is a Jewish panacea!
Keep your hands away from your face and mouth...but also keep in mind to keep your mouth away from forbidden speech and forbidden foods.
Keep your family safe...but also keep in mind to look after others, especially the elderly and infirm in your area.
Do your part to support your family...but also keep in mind that many businesses in your community are likely suffering at this time; do your part to support your fellow Jewish businesses.
Pay attention to your physical health...but also keep in mind to pay attention to your spiritual health. Chazal were very clear that Tzedakah protects us from calamity. Now would be a great time to give some extra charity to help those in need.
Furthermore, Chazal taught us that to protect ourselves from the Chevlei Mashiach we should engage in extra Torah study and Gemilus Chasadim. The arrival of Mashiach is close; boosting our Torah and Chesed now is a prudent thing to do!
Lastly, but not least, talk to your children about how they should act safely...but also keep in mind to remind them to talk to Hashem often!
This virus is powerful...but also keep in mind that nothing is more powerful than Hashem. He is the ultimate power. He is the source of all power. He is the One pulling all the strings. He is the One to look to, to talk to, to turn to, to trust in at all times, no matter what.
May Hashem protect all of Am Yisroel and eradicate this plague from our midst!
Keep Davening!