the argument made (elsewhere on the forums?) was that it makes it better targeted, i.e. not overreacting
From what I understand based on my complete lack of medical knowledge is that perhaps there are 2 types (or more) of immune responses.
At the time of infection, when the virus is attacking and trying to infiltrate the body, having a strong immune response is a good thing. If you're well rested, taking Vitamin D, and have good immunity - that would help prevent and block the virus from infiltrating and infecting too many cells, and the infection will be mild to nothing.
However, once the virus has already infected someone with lower immunity, many more cells become infected. When the virus stops spreading, it starts fighting the cells it latched onto and causing damage, and that kicks in the 2nd level immune response (this immune response isn't dependent on how much vitamin D you consumed recently). Based on the severity of the infection, the immune response will be similarly powerful. So if this 2nd level immune response is out whack, it will cause many of its own problems.
(I wonder how far off the mark I am and if this reads like complete gibberish, because it very likely is.)