Everyone said that people aren’t gonna come back. But that hasn’t been true, data from all over the country has indicated that people are ready to go back to normal life. Consumer data has been on a steady rise, as well as restaurant reservations..
The rise is not fast enough for all. This is a report from Georgia, on May 21, three weeks after Governor Kemp allowed restaurants to re-open:
"For small business owners who were struggling to pay their bills, expected relief from reopening may have hurt them more.
"When the governor officially opened the state back up, that changed the mindset of the creditors that we owed money to -- the vendor and the landlord --and it shifted from 'we’ll work with you' to 'we need our money now,'" said Turner.
He said 90 percent of his customers worked near his restaurant. Without them fully back in the office, his seats remained empty."
https://www.11alive.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/georgia-restaurants-cave-from-pandemic/85-ea77ba37-d9f7-4940-9506-fcd5124b4acfYes, some other restaurants did better, and it may be too early to know how widespread this will be.