Your points might be better received and in general might do yourself some good if you wrote more respectfully toward others.
And how does that help me ?
You are going on the premise that I need to prove something. I don't.
In my shull here in Miami. There's a 94 year old zol ir Lange lebben aushwitz surviver from boro park shimon Weiss
He sits next to me, mostly because I got a good seat, accross the Rav.. who is merciful on me when im late or shoe up JFK
Shimon met the minchas elaazar of munkatch in his youth.
He was saying kaddish for his wife when we closed the shull.
I just think of Abie rotenberg song.. what will become of all the memories.. are they to scatter with the dust in the wind.
I desperately want them to stay alive if not selfishly as Reb yoelish said..
I rarely go to shacharis be but on March 4 I did, I went to see the hand sanitizer pumps I had installed March 3.
I saw shimon with his tefillin on and those blue numbers
What kind of nation are we if we don't protect our elderly ?!
Al tashlichanu l'eis zikna.
these hospitals that they are making are incredible. But still there are so many elderly in isolation. Watch out for them