This is going to be my last post on this subject, primarily because I enjoy reading
@CountValentine's post on other threads, and I don't want this thread to ruin that.
No one claims Trump hasn't made blunders. In fact, to call them just blunders and not colossal f ups does a disservice to the gravity of his errors. The thing is, there are no winners here. Not from the Democrats, the Republicans, or any politician in any country. To keep pointing at Trump's f ups as if he alone is the cause of pain, suffering, and death, or even as if he is more to blame than any of the countless other leaders and doctors who downplayed this over these last few months, shows an unhealthy obsession with one man's stupidity and an unrealistic worldview.
In answer to the question posed as the topic to this thread, yes, the truth will come out about every single f up. It will also come out about every other country on earth, as well as organizations tasked with keeping us safe, such as the WHO and their ilk. In the big picture, since we have no one else to point to, to ask, "Why didn't you handle it like they did," this administration will largely get a pass. Will we blame them? Yes. Will we be pissed? Yes. Will we elect someone else to run things because we feel they would have handled it better? Maybe, but I don't think so.
I think the biggest realization to come out of all this, will be as it says in Tehillim, chapter 146. "Do not trust in princes, in the son of man, who has no salvation. His spirit leaves, he returns to his soil; on that day, his thoughts are lost."