No idea how I became a target but I was quoting what the Rav of Baltimore said when he was asked this question last week about covid situation.
In no way did I mean to imply that docs should follow this I was just replying to the up thread conversation about what rabbinic guidelines would be. Relax kid
You're not a target. I'm just tired. People have been using religion on this board like the medical guidelines don't matter, and it's costing people's lives.
Huh? Why would you think that a psak like this wouldn't apply to the current situation?
Because Rav Moshe was never presented with today's pandemic situation. What does "the same time" mean? Are we talking taking an old person off days after he was placed on the respirator to save a young person? Or is it a matter of minutes and seconds? If the younger person comes 5 minutes later and they haven't vented the old person yet, is that the same time? Considering the current rate of infection, hospitalization, and incubation, do we consider a young person en route to the hospital as if he arrived? If that's the case, do we
ever vent an older person? You could argue that with x amount of younger people en route to the hospital, it's like they arrived at the same time, so you should never use a respirator on an old person.
I make this argument not because I believe it to be how things should be handled, but to illustrate how you cannot possibly use a case from 30-50 years ago, in which this pandemic was never in people's worst nightmares, to pasken on today's real life-and-death situations. Therefore, to quote irrelevant piskei dinim from the greatest Rabbonim is a disservice to the Rabbonim and to the people who may try to decide who lives and who dies based on those quotes.