As mentioned, I don't think there will ever be normal again.
Like one poster said , pre and post 9/11
There will certainly be a push for cleaner air / less congestion / less noise. It's really nice looking at the air quality index, going outside to quiet streets, seeing people bike riding with families..
I see rollerblades made a big come back
More remote working. I think tolerance for schlepping to work will be less.. as will brick and mortar shopping
Hand hygiene will be a hopefully lasting effect.
I don't know how this bodes for professional sports, will people ever resume going to games?
What about movie theaters?
I wonder how dinning and coffee shops will make a return.
Vietnam was a major turning point in the people's distrust for government.
I think coronavirus might be another spur, it might cause a long war with China..akin to the cold war.