9/11 gave us the TSA and a general awareness of suspicious activity. Plus many lives lost and trillions spent in Afghanistan/Iraq.
What will Covid19 give us after we defeat it? Or are you not expecting to defeat it?
We will defeat it. It should give us new perspective.
Look at what it has already given us on a communal level.
This is from a list a friend posted on FB.
No need for lavish over the top weddings and simchos.
Endless and unnecessary shopping.
Rethink the need for Pesach Programs.
Rethink the need for over the top fine dining.
Seminary/Yeshiva in Israel.
I for one am looking forward to being able to marry off my kids at a way lower standard than I could have ever dreamed of.
I think it will change the way this country does business with and relies on foreign supply chains. It will awake the country to the dangers of diseases that we were never open to accepting. Almost everyone that I spoke to 3 weeks ago laughed it off. That has changed drastically and will live on in peoples psyche for a long time.