Any good communal funds for this? I saw a number for maos chittim but any now.
Do they all take nothing for administration?
Quotes in a signature is annoying, as it comes across as an independent post.
it's good to be a Lubavitcher
Need your LG Exalt fixed? Cracked in half? Water damage? Or parts to repair yourself. 347.201.2501
If a new cause is added to the wiki, please add a date it was added.Donated 18 to all causes in the wiki.
Donated $18 to Fendel.. Will see what we can do for the other ones.. Really beautiful thread! All i could say "Mee kiamcha yisroel"! Really Really beautiful board! And even more beautiful those who are willing to match the donations!
For all the cr@p on these boards, I'm happy that this is how I'm spending my Corona time.
Donated $100 to fendel
gave 10 to fendel