Temporary Removal of the Online Passport Appointment System
We have temporarily removed the online last-minute appointment booking system to ensure our very limited, last-minute in-person passport appointments at one of our agencies or centers go to applicants who need them for urgent travel.
Currently, the only way to schedule an appointment is to call the National Passport Information Center at 1-877-487-2778 (TDD/TTY 1-888-874-7793) from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday. One of our customer service representatives will help you book an appointment at the nearest passport agency or center that has availability. Our appointment line is closed on the weekend and on federal holidays.
Why did we make this change? We made this change to address the problem of third parties booking all available appointments using bots, and then selling them to applicants with urgent travel needs.