Author Topic: CC Help  (Read 777 times)

Offline bmass

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CC Help
« on: December 15, 2020, 01:22:04 PM »
Hey Guys,

I have tried opening a few credit cards in the past (Chase prefered, freedom and Discover Student) and have been denied for all of them. I was able to get approved for a Capital One Platinum in October. I have been using it since then and trying to build up my credit score and limit (I am currently at $200 available credit). I am using my Capital One card to hopefully build some credit so that I can pivot to a better card -- one with more benefits and bonuses. My score on Capital One has been good until last week. I was at roughly 660 until my score dropped 72 points in one day and now I am in the 590 range. I believe the score went down due to my student loans although I know many people who have student loans who have not seen such a dramatic decrease.

My questions are :
1) is there anything I can to get my score back up? A 72 point drop is massive!
2) what would be the best card to move to next with strong benefits that I would be likely to get approved for? When is best time to apply for said new card?

Any input would be great!
