I find it odd the same individuals that called some "murderers" for staying open are all of a sudden bleeding hearts when it comes to businesses. 
Because calling for closures 6-8 weeks ago when we knew nothing is at complete odds with calling for personal responsibility if you choose to take risks now that businesses are reopening? Sorry, I don't get it.
And can you please stop with the "individuals?" You're talking about one person, me. I don't get why people hide behind ambiguities. I've said this multiple times: I stand behind what I write here. I have opinions, and they aren't always popular or even correct, but I stand behind them nonetheless. If you have an issue with them, address them head on. Don't hide behind "some people" or "some individuals." (You didn't seem to have that problem in creating "the
@Lurker rule.")
Btw, just so we're clear, I called for businesses to get tax credits for reopening safely instead of PPP when the stimulus package came out. I believe government has a role in keeping us safe. I also believe in personal responsibility. I don't see why those have to be conflicting concepts.
I noticed you only ask questions when you feel you have some moral ax you can wield, exposing others' racism, or ignorance, or some other perceived moral deficiency. You never actually entertain other opinions, and resort to name calling, double standards, or any other hallmarks of false arguments when you can't be bothered to argue on the merits of the conflicting ideas (
https://forums.dansdeals.com/index.php?topic=116232.0). You should start a club with Good Ol' Joe, for fake
@SS woke men, cuz you ain't black if you don't vote for Joe and you ain't Jewish if you're not from Israel, #amiright?