Okay, getting this thread back on track (or trying to anyway), I live in Flatbush and have been davening alone at home (not outdoor minyan) since Shabbos Vayakhel-Pekudei. While I was excited by the prospect of finally getting back to tefillah b'tzibbur, I was quite hesitant about implementation of rules and compliance.
Thursday night I ventured out for my first minyan in months to a shul with a Rav that I trusted would do things properly. The minyan was by sign-up only, and there were only 13 people there (in a huge room) and it went pretty smoothly. Friday morning I went back to that same shul, and there were 17 people in the minyan, of whom 2 showed up without masks, 3 who came in masks removed them, and there was a meshulach circulating - insane!
Shabbos I went to my usual shul (which wasn't open until then), which has 3 levels - simcha hall in basement, main shul, and ezras nashim. They had 2 zmanim for Friday night and 2 for Shabbos morning, with 2 minyanim at each time, one in the social hall (10 people), and another upstairs with 10 on the main floor and 10 in the ezras nashim. Seats were assigned and marked off in blue tape. B"H I davened all tefillos there (in the ezras nashim), and compliance was quite excellent, clearly helped by the Rav's presence.
This morning I went to shacharis elsewhere and ended up davening alone in the ezras nashim due to people not wearing masks. Mincha I tried yet another option that had 27 people reasonably spread out, but with 7 (25%) wearing their masks over their chins or mouths, but not noses. Compared to other communities this may sound okay, but to me, it's not. It's a disgrace to be so cavalier with people's lives, and with shul rules for entry.
Looks like I'll be sticking to my Shabbos minyan for the foreseeable future. Sad that we've waited so long to come back home, and people can't have enough respect for their fellow Jew to follow the rules and let others feel safe in shul.