I didn't cancel them, they're not discussing abortion.
Except they are
What about the CH"Y?
He says it's muttar meikar hadin, go read it again.
In addition you not bringing other Acharonim is hardly proof they don't exist.
I brought multiple opinions that aboriton is muttar in cases of Tzorech Gadol, some limited it to Mamzer, some don't. That is a majority until you prove otherwise.
Lol, really? Is that what the Tennessee law you were discussing was about? Rape would definitely be tzorech gadol but that doesn't mean it's mutar. Don't switch the discussion to mamzer unless you're conceding you were wrong by rape.
Yes, the Tennessee law would ban abortions even in cases of mamzerim. If I misrepresented my position by stating 'rape' when I was referring primarliy to a narrower subset, consider me conceding it now. Let's see if you can do the same.
Not going to continue this point as I don't see the relevance, but I disagree.
That's the point. As
@Baruch points you, your moral compass is being shaped by Christianity, and you're refusing to accept the Torah's view because you think you know better. It is very much the point and you should think long and hard about it.
So why only by rape do you have this question. You original question was does anybody think that in a case of rape it should be illegal. That means you were conceding for the sake of argument that abortion can be illegal, just that in a case of rape it can't be. I assume the concession was because of murder, and if so, why should rape be any different? I agree very much on the difference, I just don't see it's relevance if it's murder.
I explained myself very clearly, do you not have an answer? Why should somebody calling something 'murder' make any difference as to what they can force other people to do or not? That assumption was unfounded.
.Maharam shik Y"D 155.
He doesn't conclude one way or the other. Is that the best you have? Here's a
link to that Teshuva.
P.s. I'm not trying to denigrate you, I genuinely think you're falling into the trap of trying to make the Torah fit into your preconceived feelings, which I suspect are coming from Right wing politics/Christianity, when you should be calibrating your opinion according to the Torah. The Torah is the compass.