The bottom line is that a full vaccine rollout will be a help, but it will most likely still result in continuing waves of covid that are something like Lakewood second wave vs Lakewood first wave. Perhaps with more of a track record of safety and efficacy as we get toward the end of 2021 there will be less reluctance to vaccinate but that remains to be seen. Don’t go burning those masks just yet.
Don’t forget there is also already some population immunity even before a vaccine.
If you can vaccinate the 20m most risky people (and I’m not suggesting Pfizer can) then COVID will be a smaller problem already. If we get the same from 1-2 other vaccine candidate, with 100m + doses available by year’s end, it won’t take until 2021 to make a significant dent in the current COVID outbreak.
If the first dose confers limited immunity fairly quickly then vaccinating areas with small outbreaks will help mitigate spread as well.
I wouldn't start with the most high-risk people. I would start with very active people in the 20-40 demo who haven't had the virus set . If we can't achieve herd immunity, at least let the vaccine work to limit the spread as much as possible. It has an added benefit of giving the vaccine to people who are most likely to be able to handle adverse effects, should they arise.
Both of your ideas have merit, and at the end of the day it’s a tough decision. Some would also say that health care workers should have the highest priority, as that would help ease staffing problems and equipment shortage issues.
Regardless, there is no doubt that efficiently targeting even a relatively small portion of the population has the potential to have an outsized impact on the spread and deadliness of outbreaks. While I agree it’s not quite mask burning time, the case can be made that coupled with better medical awareness, lots of testing, and lighter hospital loads COVID won’t be quite as big a threat in the US in just another month or two.
It might be enough for even the high risk to be able to mostly re-enter society safely, as long as they maintain minimal restrictions.