Total Members Voted: 62
I once had some road range with some guy and we were both trying to pass each other till we walked in to the same Dr office..... It was quite embarrassing 😂
I once had some road range with some guy and we were both trying to pass each other till we walked in to the same Dr office..... It was quite embarrassing
If I say blacks die of Covid at a higher rate because they don't take care of their health or because they don't SD I am a racist. If Cuomo yells that Jews don't SD and uses scam science to justify heavy crackdowns, then continuously harps on the Jews at his press conference, and Deblasio sends every available inspector in the city to give fines whether there are violations or not, that's the Jews fault not antisemitism.
It is not a binary choice. To me it sounds like they're so fed up with the zero compliance that they lost their common sense and gave way for anger and stupidity to direct them. Don't forget that as much we like to complain about the double standard with the BLM protests, we too were given a blind eye for the most part.
Murphy's still giving the blind eye treatment in Lakewood, so he's a rational Jew-lover. But if God forbid Murphy does the same he will instantly be labeled the next Hitler Cuomo.
Someone told me that by his workplace they made a separate entrance for Jews
Its for the greater good. Because we carry the virus
Quotes in a signature is annoying, as it comes across as an independent post.
Separate entrance for jews or for non mask-wearers ?Big difference
I know someone visibly chassidish that wasn't allowed into a bowling alley on chol hamoed because they carry the virus...
What was the wording they used?
People called & were told to come as there’s plenty of spots available. When the oilam arrived the owner/employees took 1 look & said they’re all booked solid.
They also justified that they aren't letting in people from the red zone. They said this without knowing these peoples addresses.