We are at 1/4 MILLION and climbing. Some have no problem blaming one and turning a blind eye to the other.
And others pit one against the other and turn it into a competition.
One seem to be confused. Calling one out and giving the other a pass is kool-aid at its finest.
As a well-respected member here is wont to say, "Wong thread! Take that cr@p to JS!"
Maybe a few reporters. The rest of the population is either smart enough to have long caught on or are still too dumb.
it's good to be a Lubavitcher
When reporters start to change, the narrative they present to the masses will change too
As a well-respected member here is wont to say, "...but officer!!! ”
This is just....... no words.https://twitter.com/alexweprin/status/1329867647794761729https://twitter.com/alexweprin/status/1329868171784949760
no words.